Tūrangi Family Catch Up

To share experiences of raising a child with disabilities in our community.

Come along to connect with other Turangi families and find support through shared experience.

Parent to Parent is inviting our Tūrangi families and their children for an afternoon tea get together to talk about the joys and challenges of raising a disabled child in New Zealand. With your input, we hope to make this a popular monthly event!

This is a safe space for family and whānau to share their experiences, their challenges, their triumphs, and to learn from each other in an open and 100% judgement-free environment. No topic is too ‘weird’, no question too ‘out there’. We get it, and we are here to help.

So, if you’d like to share a struggle, celebrate a success, raise a concern, or simply share a meal and chat with other parents and carers, you are more than welcome to join us at our first Turangi Family Catch-Up. Children are very welcome! Please bring a plate to share.

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