Women’s Wellness Event

Come for lunch and mindfulness activities with other wāhine who understand the unique joys and challenges of having a disabled, neurodivergent or health-impaired family member. This is time out for just the ladies!

Carers are often told, ‘Make sure you look after yourself!’ but we know that’s easier said than done. That’s why we’re offering a short workshop, a lunch you don’t have to cook yourself, and the opportunity to connect with other mums, grandmothers and wāhine carers who ‘get it’ in a restful location.

A third place is somewhere away from home or work where you go to relax, connect and enjoy yourself, so Third Place Café couldn’t be a better pick for this bucket-filling event! It has stunning views over Lake Rotorua and Saint Faith’s Church in Ohinemutu Geothermal Māori Village.

Thanks to funding from the Geyser Community FoundationRotorua Women’s Club Fund, this event is free, so get in quick!

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