Letter received from MOE below:
The Learning Support Action Plan 2019-2025, Priority Four focusses on Flexible support for neurodiverse children and young people. As a Ministry we wanted to ensure that work to develop this priority came from a strong evidence base so we contracted the Donald Beasley Institute in Dunedin to undertake research about effective and achievable learning support required by students who are neurodiverse. We wanted to be able to provide information that can inform and enhance teaching practice with neurodiverse students across primary and secondary schools in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
I am now attaching the final copy of Responding to neurodiversity in the education context: An integrative review with thanks to the Donald Beasley Institute. The review found five major themes: prioritising and valuing relationships; developing agency; supporting students to manage their own behaviour; creating inclusive environments; and, embedding inclusive learning support. We are sharing this research with you in the hope that you will find time to read it and then work with us as we use the findings to make Priority Four real for all involved in teaching children and young people with neurodiverse needs in their learning environments.
We’re keen to discuss the implications of the report for your organisation’s work and consider opportunities for working together across organisations. If this is of interest to you, please contact Sally Jackson at 04 463 8264 or sally.jackson@education.govt.nz and we’ll be in touch to set up a Zoom meeting. We consider that this research provides us with evidence of important and achievable supports that we can collectively progress to make a difference for neurodiverse children and young people.
Click here to download the report.