04 May 2021

Framework of an EGL partnership approach and feedback

There is an opportunity for feedback on an Enabling Good Lives partnership approach to inform the implementation planning and next phase of transformation.

To understand this more, please read the following documents.

Partnership framework (Word)
Partnership framework (Powerpoint)

The document below outlines what has been done and with whom so far in the partnership approach discovery work. It is a collection of insights and findings from the discovery work EGL have done with rights and stakeholder groups from January through to today.

Partnership background / discovery document (PDF)
Partnership background / discovery document (Word)

The EGL Governance Group, the National EGL Leadership Group and the Whaanau Ora interface group are interested in your feedback and your ideas about what a partnership approach in action would look like.

Please provide any feedback you may have on this form and send it through to janeb@parent2parent.org.nz

Feedback for partnership framework form

Feedback due by 28 May.

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