03 September 2019

Sister creates toileting book for autistic brother

Northland high school student Mya Kereopa saw a need for high-quality learning resources inspired by her little brother Zane, who has autism and an intellectual disability.

Two students holding books

Kahn and Mya proudly holding their first print run of I Go To The toilet

In their school Young Enterprise class Mya and business partner Kahn Tangihaere-Brom created NDLR – Neurodiversity Learning Resources to help Zane and others like him to achieve in areas that they struggle. Together they have developed their first product, a beautifully illustrated book called I Go To The toilet. This book explains the steps required to go to the toilet, using simple language and illustrations. Zane loves it!

Mya and Kahn asked a social media group of mums who have kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder what topics they would like to see in a book, and chose a toileting book as their first project. A prototype of the book was made and then shown to local paediatric specialists who provided some feedback.

Mya and Kahn picked up their first print in August and have already sold several copies at the Kerikeri markets.

Their next project is a book explaining How to make friends! Mya and Kahn are seeking input from the adult ASD community, asking questions like ‘What advice would you give a 5-year-old version of yourself?’ in regard to making friends. They will then work toward producing their second book.

Local private speech therapy company Moretalk has approached Mya through Facebook to discuss possible corporate sponsorship and coaching around simple language and the use of visuals.

You can order I Go To The Toilet for $15 from the NDLR – Neurodiversity Learning Resources Facebook page.

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